Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Geeky Mom

Mother’s Day is coming.

Sure, there are a little over 3 weeks left, but you may have a lot to do.  You know…research, searching the stores, research, online ordering, changing your mind and/or realizing someone else bought that already, finding out she already bought herself that, researching some more.

Of course you can just ask.  But then you’ll get hit with either the “I don’t know”, “whatever’s fine”, or the much worse “[insert exact detailed comments of what she wants]”.  Yeah.  Much worse because you’d have to get it if possible and if possible and you didn’t get it, then you just end up looking like a jackass.  AND you’ll have a disillusioned mom on your hands.

If you have a geeky mom in your life (which may be the case since you’re reading this), here are a few Mother’s Day gift ideas (which are also affiliate links, btw) to get your brain going as to what to get her this year.

I don’t know many geek moms (nor non-geek moms) who aren’t into Wonder Woman.  Sure, Black Widow is great, Hawkgirl is badass, and Big Barda is awesome…but Wonder Woman is almost always THE female superhero among many women.  Maybe it’s the nostalgia of her.  Or maybe it’s because she is a ball of great, wrapped in a coat of badass, and topped with pure awesome.  If that were to be the case, you can find quite a few Wonder Woman items to get your giftee.

(Click on any picture to be taken to the product’s page.)
Depending on how geeky the mom is, she may like either (or all) this Wonder Woman tank top, socks, cuffs, or necklace:


If geeky jewelry’s her style, you can of course buy something from our shop, or get her something like this Harry Potter-inspired necklace or this Dr Who-inspired bracelet:






Anybody can use a nice handbag, and personally I think Bioworld has the best geekiest handbags (and umbrellas):





Sites like Once Upon a Tee let you choose a design and place it on just about anything: t-shirt, tote bag, duvet cover, even a shower curtain!  Some of our favorite “for mom” OUaT designs are:

Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Princess of Power from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Princess of Power” from Soulkr
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Wonder Moon from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Wonder Moon” from Andriu Illustrations









Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- It's Dangerous To Play Alone from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“It’s Danegrous to Play Alone” from Spike00
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Shadow of Adora from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Shadow of Adora” from Donnie Illustrations









Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Bad Dinner from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Bad Dinner” from Trhewood
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- The General from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“The General” from Soulkr









Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- The Apathetic from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“The Apathetic” from Soulkr
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Where The Upside Down Ends from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Where the Upside Ends” from Charamath









Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- The Innovator from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“The Innovator” from Soulkr
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- The Photon from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“The Photon” from Soulkr









Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Eleven & Hopps from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Eleven and Hopps” from DJ Kopet
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Shadow of the Wisdom from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Shadow of the Wisdom” from Donnie Illustrations









Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Sailor Pop Art from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Sailor Pop Art” from Donnie Illustrations
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Geeky Mom -- Home and Family -- Wakanda Forever from OnceUponATee --- We Do Geek.jpg
“Wakanda Forever” from Risa Rodil










Of course if the gift-getting mom is into tees, you may want to get her Once Upon a Tee’s subscription box: Month of the Shirt.  MotS offers subscription boxes themed as Legend, Companions, Gamer, Fitness, Dragon, and Grab Bag.  With the exception of Grab Bag, each theme offers a monthly t-shirt design not offered anywhere else before.

I hope this has given you a few ideas for Mother’s Day. You still have time. So go thinking and casually asking and I hope you give a winner this year!



We Do Geek asks…
Already know what you’re gifting for Mother’s Day?  Don’t know if you have a “hit” or a “Miss”?  Share with us on Twittter @ShopWeDoGeek and we’ll let you know!  😉

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